Thursday, September 12, 2013

English Assignment : Animal


Canis lupus familiaris or dog is a sub-species of gray wolf, and a mammal, and also a carnivore. Humans, including me, often keep them as pets. So, let’s talk about some interesting facts about dogs.
A basset hound
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First, like most of you have known, that dogs’ nose have an amazing sense of smell. They can smell approximately 100.000 – 1.000.000 times greater than human. Besides, their amazing sense of smell, they also have a great hearing. They can hear the frequency range of sound between 40 – 60.000 Hz. Although they have a great hearing and sense of smell, they have pretty bad vision. Dogs are color blind to the color of red and green. Dogs can only see yellow and blue
Dogs have a great sense of smell
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Dogs also have several common diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, blindness, cataract and many more. Dogs also can be poisoned by several plants. Aloe vera is one of several plants that can poison dogs.
There are also foods that are toxic to dogs, such as grapes, raisin, onion, garlic, and the most toxic food which chocolate. A small amount chocolate can be fatal, especially dark chocolate. So, don’t ever try to give dogs chocolate. Dogs live for approximately 10 to 13 years. But some of them, died before and after that time range. By its size, dogs divided to four types. There are small, medium, large, and giant dogs.

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