Friday, May 10, 2013

English Assignment: Environment


The front look of
Palasari Traditional Market

          For this assignment, I’m going to describe one of traditional markets in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The market I’m going to describe is Palasari Traditional Market, which located in Jl. Palasari Bandung. Well, before I describe the condition in the market, I’m going to tell you a little bit knowledge about Palasari Traditional Market. There are two types of traditional market in here. The first one is the Daily Market, which sells vegetables, fruits, and that kind of stuff. The other one is the Book Market, which sells books. The Book Market is located in the front of Palasari Traditional Market’s area and the Daily Market is in the back. Anyway, Palasari Traditional Market had a fire accident twice in its history. The first one is in 1991 and caused a lot of damages, so the sellers began to sell again on 1992. The other accident is in 2007 or 2008 I forgot, but not caused damages as bad as the first one. Also, there are more than 200 stores in the market, according one of the sellers that I interviewed, Mrs. Dede.

There are garbage everywhere
all over the place
          Well, the condition of the market is almost the same as any traditional market in Bandung. It has advantages and disadvantages. There are a lot of sellers here, so you can find almost everything here, by everything I mean vegetables and that kind of stuff and also books. Also, this market have huge parking lot at the back, so you can travel here by car easily. But, this market is pretty smelly. It has a lot of garbage all over the place and caused many files are flying around the area. So, it’s a pretty dirty market, but not really dirty though. This market also has a narrow path inside the market, so it’s pretty hard to walk while the market is crowded. Also in rainy season, the path inside, which only from dirt not floor, get muddy and had a lot of puddles.
          That’s all my description about Palasari Traditional Market. Thank you for reading J

English Assignment: Project

          Hello everyone! For this assignment I’m going to describe something that I love, which is my dogs. Well, I have two dogs named Sidney and Michele. As you can see from the names, both of my dogs are female. So, now I’m going to describe my dogs one by one.

In her birth certificate, her name is Sidney Von Edison Loving Care. I know it’s a long name, but I’m not the one who gave the name so don’t judge me. As you know, I call her Sidney. She was born in March, 30th 2012. She’s a Golden Retriever. She actually has 4 brothers and 3 sisters. Her brothers’ names are Snowy, Spike, Speedy, and Sparky and her sisters’ named are Sandy, Sasha, and Shelley. Her mother name is Ussy, but she’s called Zizzy.
Okay, enough for the family description. Now, let’s talk about Sidney. I got Sidney when she was about 2.5 months old. She’s a playful and an overactive dog. She loves eating and biting things. She likes to bite trees, plants, fences, bugs, sandals and even rocks. She’s also loves digging and running. So, as you can see she pretty tough to handle but I love her because, well, she’s just adorable and she’s also my best friend. She’s a smart dog and sometimes, she’s a rebel. Anyway, she’s allergic to chicken.

Michele is my second dog. Her real name is Mona Von Garden Ville, but my family and I call her Michele, I have no idea where the name “Michele” coming from either, my father is the first one who called her Michele. According to her birth certificate, she has 3 sisters, but I haven’t seen them. Anyway, she was born in July, 15th 2012. So, she’s younger than Sidney. Oh, I almost forgot, she’ a Collie.
I got Michele when she was about 3 months old. She’s a really shy and quite dog when I got her. Now, she an active dog, I think it's because she’s hanging out with Sidney. But, she’s still shy to strangers. She’s also a smart dog like Sidney and she’s not a rebel , so she's not so hard to handle. She’s afraid of a lot of things. Well, I think she’s afraid of almost everything. She’s afraid of thunders, lightning, loud motorcycle sounds, plastic bottles, umbrellas and a lot of other things, unlike Sidney, who almost want to know everything and want to touch and curious about everything. She’s also a jealous-type dog. She can’t stop barking when I played with Sidney.
Well, that’s all about my dogs, Sidney and Michele. Thank you for reading.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

English Assignment: Opinion About National Exam


          National exam is a test or an exam that’s taken by 6th, 9th, and 12th graders all over Indonesia at the same time. National exam is one of the tests that determine whether the 6th, 9th, and 12th graders graduate school or not. So, it terrifies some student because if they don’t pass national exam, they won’t graduate school. Well, in my opinion it wasn’t that scary if you’ve already prepared for the test. It becomes terrifying because there are some students who become paranoid whether they’ll pass the exam or not.
          This year’s national exam is probably the worst national exam of all time. There are a lot of issues regarding the national exam. There are some delays on this year’s national exam. So, some provinces, I think about eleven provinces’ national exam was delayed because the papers didn’t arrive. There are also some papers that have a bad quality. So, this condition is making the students more stressed than usual.
          I think the national exam should be erased because it’s just making the student stressed. If the government still wants the national exam to be continued, they should have a better preparation.
          Well, that’s my opinion about the national exam. I’m sorry if there are any mistakes in the writing and if it insults you or someone. Anyway, thank you for reading J